27 March 2011

Finally! A drinking buddy to replace Gigi! ...Must be a Cal fan, too, eh? I like it here! (...yes, Mom. If you click on these images you'll get a larger version, just like in earlier posts. Yes. It's just like magic, isn't it?)

As I was peacefully reading in my "breakfast nook", there was such a ruckus on the deck, that I finally put down my book and saw, eight feet away, the bear that had upset my mobile bird bath in an attempt to pilfer a squirrel- (not bear-) proof bird feeder. We were both interested in each other, but once I finally got the garage lights on, he scampered away....
Or did he (or she).
No, Sir! (or Ma'am!) Not when there are so many tasty sunflower seeds scattered about for the snackin'!
Slurp, slurp! I took a break to shut off the inside lights and turn the flash on my camera on, and apparently that did spook friend bear. Off he went, and I went out to rescue my pummelled, but still aloft, feeder.
I will now go rescue the one in front of the house. Goodbye.... Or is it adieu?
Only a future post will answer the question. Or a shipment of chocolates for which I must sign.


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