06 January 2011

Tour of New York Apartment for Keilio

Keilea said she was sad she'd never seen my New York digs. As her birthday isn't for MONTHS, this tristesse, it struck me, may be genyouine. So, accordingly, at great effort and expense: 160 Claremont Ave., Apt. 4F, New York, NY  10027. Tools, kayak, etc. in storage space not included on this tour. She'd better read ALL the captions at least once.                                                                                


 This is the stuffed animal picnic. They do this each year. The picture in the background is a lovely monoprint by Annette Goodfriend. The painting on the right is actually a word--the letters run top to bottom: woman. By artist Margaret Shepherd.
These are three chums that like the view from a speaker. The tiger is from my  Oma, the other two are from a trip to South Africa. The rabbit is from Woolworth's, South Africa. Can't remember the bear's provenance. Think I met him on safari.
This is part of my children's book art collection...
This is a little more.
These are the bed animals. Platypus is an extremely fancy platypus from Barney's New York before they moved from 17th. Bear was rescued from a cruel New York lawyer.
Woodleigh Hubbard was doing studies for a cover of Publisher's Weekly Holiday Books issue, and I got one of them.
Catherine Stock does lovely paintings. She lives in France now. I did books with her.

Tim Bush did the illustrations for Bach's Big Adventure. I took a lot of research photos for him when I visited the new Oma and Opa when they lived in Hamburg for a year. You may have that book at your house. New Opa had a painting of a church in Hamburg from the book. It's in his study in Berkeley.
Such a handsome duck. Note chicken in background.
More of the gang. The fellow at right was made by my Oma.
This was a fine exhibit.
Proof that I do laundry and three favorite things: ski jacket with happy-photo season pass, FC Barcelona jersey (I help them out sometimes) and t-shirt from company that made my bike--it's signed by the fellow who designed the logo.
Tall closet. I suppose that's my foot. In fact, I'm sure it is. I hope. Unless there's something or someone I don't know about in my bedroom.
Lovely soccerball from trip to Germany where there are friends and relations of Vat's to visit.
Jolie oiseau. Low maintenance.
Speculaas. Molds made by hand by fellow in Illinois.
Lovely pots. Copper bowl (note designer dust-cover) and copper saute (mostly behind dish cloth) carried back from Paree in luggage. Small copper pot from Martha Holmberg. Good for reducing caramel.
Ne touchez pas! Sources from left: Duesseldorf, Paris, Laura Walsh's grandmother, Paris, Hamburg (Thanks new Oma and Opa), Berkeley, New York, and New York.
Some cookbooks and herbs/spices. Photo-copy is good recipe for pizza crust.
Gosh! More kitchen stuff. Note happy dishes from Portugal, choice mugs, and, above, lovely pots, pans, racks, coffee-malers.
Thoughtfully styled refrigerator.
This is Aunt Hot's. I pump the tires up from time to time and comfort it. I dust it, too.
My fixie. Saving the box for the move.
Shelves of wheels, shoes, kitchen goodies, etc.
Coffee grinder and friends.
Important wall-hangings.
Stylish clock, also by Annette.

Very small bathroom.
Welcome in the foyer.
Livingroom. At least the vacuum gets used, unlike your room. Two lithographs at left by Kenjilo Nanao, Berkeley neighbor.
Lovely coin bank in use as doorstop. Rug from Joan Goodman.

Your great-grandmother (in dress) and your Opa before you met him.
Books and stuff. Note pair of monkeys. You are both of them--a few shy of a barrel, but still fun.
Lovely duck decoys.
Bunnikins, rooster from Portugal with Gigi, birdie from your Oma from trip with you, porcupine quills, feathers, pumpkin candle-holder from author.
Your father when he was younger than you are. He was never as nice. Also two editions of Moomin books which you refuse to read.
Scotty dog, cow noise-makers, and copy of Roman owl from your Oma.
Important rocks, language dictionaries, trilobite, graphic novels.
More rocks, pictures of monkey-butts, shells.
Tyrannosaur prototype for mold, your Opa, Bill Slottman, your Oma before your dad gave her grey hair and glasses.
Another closet
Woodcut by Leonard Baskin. Nice, eh?
Photo by Louis Faurer. Called "New York City, 1950" in the catalogue of the Whitney Museum's Art of the American Century show, but the papers I have from the purchase of my print, which was made before the Whitney exhibit, have the title "Les Sourd-Muets", which means "The deaf-mutes". That title explains much more about the gestures and expression, doesn't it? Also mentions it's under the on-ramp for the 59th Street Bridge. Wassup with the Whitney?
Desk wall. Prints of upstate NY, Koelner Dom, iMac, painting from Christina, painting Christina bought me when I visited her.
Koelner Dom, Caernarvon, Sainte Chapelle, Harlech, Sainte Chapelle post 1865 since the spire has been rebuilt, Newport Gate....
Comfy couch with bunny pillows from Musee du Moyen Age, Miro pillow from Harvard Museums Shop, happy pillowcases I made, quilt from Christina, rug on couch I bargained for from $1200 to $450 out-the-door--never pay retail. Rug from your Oma and Opa, burl from Oregon.

Very important self-portrait by Colorado artist.

Gloves, scarves, hats, etc.

Bunny from Gigi in Paris, salt marsh mousiekins, Keilea on horse, Keilea with golden arms, duck by me....

Photo clock of my favourite niece.

Very nice Christmas present. That's me, skiing.

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